Friday, October 23, 2009


Wow, well this assignment is due in on monday and i am struggling with section 2. I havent been able to post anything for the last little while because somehow I had forgotten my password, yes cleave I know, but it happened!!! I dont have much of an idea of what I am meant to be doing. Fortunately I have been able to check out other peoples blogs and see what they are doing as well as the forum (oh thank goodness for the forum!!!!).

The best form of communication is to be open with people, to discuss any potential issues that may arrive to to make others feel as comfortable communication with others in both a formal and informal setting. Communication within a school context is essential, teachers needs to be effective communicators with students, parents, executives and other teachers on staff to support the student and the other teachers.

Conflict resolution is a skill many teachers have developed to deal with parents when there has been some form of miscommunication with their child - here we go with the communication bit again.

Yes, yes, this is a little late for my initial thoughts on communication, but better late then never I guess.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Busy, busy, busy

Well 501 is done and part a of 504 is done. Now its part b that i am attempting to complete.

Trevor and I went camping last week to Chamber's Pillar, a reward for finishing the powerpoint. IT was soooo good to get away and forget about uni and school (for the whole 24 hours). Great trip.

I have just realised how handy it is to have a blog, I can go back and check the readings and remember what the article is about instead of reading the whole lot again. So great idea!

Yah, only 1 week left of school. actually its only 4 days because friday is a pupil free and then the in-laws arrive this Thursday so really have to finish this assignment soon!!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

why oh why

Saturday afternoon was my last netball game for the season, we didnt make it to the finals, but for a team that has only just started to play together i think we did ok. So now sat arvo is free! but of course i cant do anything the easy way i have just joined the gym (after 3 years of not going, was rather sore when i awoke this morning!!!) and have plans on playing mixed netball on Thursday night. guess i've cut off my tongue to spite my face really. Oh well, just have to knuckle down more and lock myself upstairs in my room a little more often.

As i am working through my ETL501 assignment where critical and analytical skills are required (and i struggle with both, oops) I have found myself critically evaluating websites without even thinking about it. Even the sets of criteria i am using i find myself critically evaluating. I guess that is a good thing! on reflecting, i think i have always subconsciously evaluated websites before letting my kids (school kids that is) loose on them, so to understand in more depth what and why i am doing it is a good thing. Huh, i just realised i think i am enjoying 501, amidst the cursing that i am doing about why i am doing post grad studies.

this weeks readings have gone out the window for me, will do them, but just not this week, a little too distracted with 501 and then 504 the following week. at least they werent due in the same day, thanks james for sorting that out!!!

Think i have procrastinated nicely enough - well break really between evaluating my two sets of criteria. Quite possibly my eyes will have turned slightly square ish by the time both these assignments are over.

Well enough for now...

Thank goodness for spell check on this!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Reading 7 - Cheng

There are different perspectives with leadership; these approaches may be developed to lead, manage, influence or control people and their activities. Or to set goals, create meanings, direct actions, eliminate uncertainty or ambiguity and achieve goals in an educational setting (Change, 1985).

According to Bass (1985) traditional leadership focuses on transactional process which a leader gives something to his/her followers in return for satisfactory effort and performance in their task. This concept focuses on leaders management techniques and interpersonal skills and encourages leaders to adapt their behaviour to the situation at task.

Transformational perspective motivates their 'followers' and develop their opinions for the futures.

Leadership strategy - a holistic approach to leadership
Five-dimensions of leadership
Human leadership - develops positive social relationships, facilitates social interactions and participation and enhances staff commitment and satisfaction.
Structural leadership - develops clear goals and policies, establishes appropriate organisation structure for different roles and holds staff accountable for results
Political leadership -building alliances and coalitions, these are involved in the decision making process and resolves conflicts.
Cultural leadership - inspires and stimulates members to pursue institutional vision and excellent performance.
Educational leadership - provides direction and expert advice on developments of learning, teaching and curriculum.

Leadership for multiple models of educational quality - used to conceptualise, manage and pursue education quality (Cheng and Tam, 1997). This model provides a comprehensive framework for people developing their leadership skills
  • Goal developer
  • resource developer
  • process engineer
  • social leader and satisfier
  • environmental leader
  • supervisor
  • organisational developer
A very fitting quote from Schon, 1987; Watkins and Shindell, 1994) staff members' continuous reflection on their actions and learning to improve and enhance their teacher and daily practice becomes a necessity. How true that is of teaching and of this course, the best teacher is an evaluative and reflective teacher...

Reading 6 - Beck, J & Yeager, N. (1994)

This article made cut straight to the point to explain why teams fail and what people can do to increase the chance of the teams survival and success. In our western culture, it is brought about by the people in the team bringing their own individual idealism's to the group.

This article poses ideas where to support and enhance high-powered teams so they succeed. These include;
Stages of group developments.
Stage 1 - polite and forming conversation. Boundaries need to be created at this stage.
Stage 2 - decision-making, achievement, responsibility and an opportunity to use knowledge and skills, boundaries need to be challenged
Stage 3 - performing, productivity, shared responsibility and clear sense of purpose, acceptance of boundaries.
Stage 4 - ahh, relaxation, sense of satisfaction and eventually complacence. Starts to ignore boundaries.

These readings are helping me to analysis our group and hoping to goodness that we are working together successfully.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Reading 5 - Law and Glover (2000)

I found this article to be rather interesting with the discussion between teams and groups.

The last few decades has seen the increase of teams though out workplaces and schools. Throughout my schooling life, it was evident that teamwork was becoming popular and important to develop not only social skills but develop specific skills for the big bad world. This article provided me with an understanding of the difference between a group and a team and how interchangeable the term is (of which I was unfamiliar with before). A group is two or more people working together whereas a team is more so when a group is deliberately constructed for a clear purpose or focus on its performance level.

Handy and Aitkin (1986) identify five reasons that teams exist
  • to share in a common activity
  • to promote a cause or idea
  • to gain status or power
  • to have friends and 'belong' because it is part of their job (and sometimes that is so true!)
Adair (1986) state the six key factors that make up a group
1. a definable membership
2. group consciousness
3. a sense of shared purpose
4. Interdependence
5. Interaction
6. Ability to act in a unitary manner

The road to team cohesion is sometimes paved with good intentions, however sometimes team cohesion is difficult and problematic. Schutz (1966) argues that there are several stages of concern; inclusion, control and affection.

Team cohesion can lead a team off course and in different directions because their purpose is not clear cut.
Team-building issues
Team building can be sometimes hindered by executives and headteachers who see themselves as the make or break person to the team.
Conformity and group norms
Gerrard (1955) suggested there are two kinds of pressure that tend to push people towards conformity
  • information pressure - individuals beliefs or attitudes that their ideas are not completely correct
  • normative pressure - people want to be liked or wanted and may disregard issues of importance
Teams, roles and performance
there are several identifying factors that are capable of improving team performance by providing people with roles within the team; expectations, functions, complexities. Belbin (1981) argues there is a need to rebalance roles to accommodate individuals to aid the team in appearing more natural to individuals due to personality and intellectual factors.
Leadership, teams and effectiveness
Team effectiveness has been focused on ways leaders operate in their teams to ensure development and progress.

After reading the article it concreted even further to me that a team of high achievers is not always the best team. In actual fact a team needs a range of expertees that complement other people in the team.

Murgatroyd and Gray state that a classroom acts as a mirror to the school as a whole. This statement is so true and the age old saying about the boss addresses the workers, the workers address their wives, the wives address her kids and the kids address the dog. If the boss is not happy about something it flows down to the kids not being happy. If the boss is happy, then the kids are happy to.

Let's make the Principals happy!!

Hmm, personal reflection on my team interactions is in order I think...

The discovery of life

A beautiful Sunday afternoon in sunny Alice Springs and here I am posting a blog, huh! Starting to get my head around ETL504 and the things to be completed, now its time to get stuck into ETL501, not that I have not been doing the readings but its time to check out the assignments and start on them. Kinda, need to keep going with my blog as well...

Part A of assingment one is coming along nicely and the group is working well together. They are really helping me get the right headspace. Its tricky doing masters in librarianship when I'm not a librarian, but it will all come together.

As with all group work it is tricky to avoid conflict in our group - not that we have had any, but there are times when I disagree with something that is going to be done and I don't want to say anything about it because I don't want to put people off side. However, when we have been able to compromise with each other by changing the wording of one of the slides or changing the location of the slides. Our group is working famously together and it is great to see that we are all able to listen to each other and take on board other peoples comments. This is such an important part of communicating, being able to accept other people opinions.

Had a great night last night, a friend organised a teachers ball and it was a great sucess. Met lots of new people teachers and non-teachers alike, no librarians though...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

First post

Hi all, welcome to my blog. This is my first attempt at a blog so please be gentle!!! I am usually a facebooker so if you are interested you can check me out on facebook as well at rowena ianna.

Look forward to an exciting, and I am sure a very busy semester.